Thomasville CrossFit – CrossFit

Default Warm-Up 1 (No Measure)

10 Reps Each

Wrist Circles (ea. direction)

Elbow Circles (ea. direction)

Shoulder Circles (ea. direction)

Bend and Reach

Torso Rotations

Hip Rotations

Leg Swings (Front,Back,Sides)

Ankle Rotations


Walking lunges

Spiderman Lunge

Run, Row, Rope 2 minutes.

This should be completed prior to the start of class.


Warm-up (No Measure)

On a 5:00 Clock:

1) Bear Crawl

2) Walking Lunge

3) Crab Walk

4) Spiderman Crawl

5) Bunny Hops

6) Side Shuffle

Demo the alternating DB Power Snatch

Demo transitioning on the ground.

1 Set x 10 Alternating Reps (lightweight)

Demo transitioning in the air

1 Set x 10 Alternating Reps (lightweight)

Demo the muscle snatch version.

1 Set x 10 Alternating Reps (lightweight)


Metcon (Time)

For Time:

4 Legless Rope Climbs (15-ft.)

40 Alternating Single-Leg Squats

40 Alternating DB Snatches (50/35#)

3 Legless Rope Climbs

30 Alternating Single-Leg Squats

30 Alternating DB Snatches

2 Legless Rope Climbs

20 Alternating Single-Leg Squats

20 Alternating DB Snatches

1 Legless Rope Climbs

10 Alternating Single-Leg Squats

10 Alternating DB Snatches


Metcon (Time)

For Time:

15 Assisted Strict Pull-ups

20 Alternating Single-Leg Squats to a Box

40 Alternating DB Snatches (20/10#)

12 Assisted Strict Pull-ups

20 Alternating Single-Leg Squats to a Box

30 Alternating DB Snatches

9 Assisted Strict Pull-ups

10 Alternating Single-Leg Squats to a Box

20 Alternating DB Snatches

6 Assisted Strict Pull-ups

10 Alternating Single-Leg Squats to a Box

10 Alternating DB Snatches