
Thomasville CrossFit – CrossFit

Default Warm-Up 1 (No Measure)

10 Reps Each

Wrist Circles (ea. direction)

Elbow Circles (ea. direction)

Shoulder Circles (ea. direction)

Bend and Reach

Torso Rotations

Hip Rotations

Leg Swings (Front,Back,Sides)

Ankle Rotations


Walking lunges

Spiderman Lunge

Run, Row, Rope 2 minutes.

This should be completed prior to the start of class.


Warm-up (No Measure)

2 Rounds

30 x jumping jacks

10 x toe touch + 5 x RDL

10 x push ups + 5/5 DB shoulder press

R1- couch stretch

R2- twisted cross


Dips (4x 5-10 + 1 x max reps)


Metcon (3 Rounds for reps)

3 rounds

3 minute AMRAP

5 x Handstand Push-Ups

10 x Sumo Deadlift Highpull (75/55)

Rest 2 minutes