Thomasville CrossFit – CrossFit
Default Warm-Up 1 (No Measure)
10 Reps Each
Wrist Circles (ea. direction)
Elbow Circles (ea. direction)
Shoulder Circles (ea. direction)
Bend and Reach
Torso Rotations
Hip Rotations
Leg Swings (Front,Back,Sides)
Ankle Rotations
Walking lunges
Spiderman Lunge
Run, Row, Rope 2 minutes.
This should be completed prior to the start of class.
Warm-up (No Measure)
2 Rounds
2 x 5 kipping swings
10 x anchored toes to bar
10 x ring rows
R1- Twisted Cross ( chest stretch/low back)
R2- Quad smashing on foam rollers
Metcon (No Measure)
3 Rounds
2:00 Max reps Rope Climbs
Max Time Handstand Hold
Rest 2:00
Handstand Hold (total time for all 3 rounds)
Hold yourself in a handstand. Supported is sclaed and unsupported is RX.
Metcon (Time)
For Time
Strict Handstand Push-Ups
5 x Toes to Bar between each set