Thomasville CrossFit – Home WOD
Default Warm-Up 1 (No Measure)
10 Reps Each
Wrist Circles (ea. direction)
Elbow Circles (ea. direction)
Shoulder Circles (ea. direction)
Bend and Reach
Torso Rotations
Hip Rotations
Leg Swings (Front,Back,Sides)
Ankle Rotations
Walking lunges
Spiderman Lunge
Run, Row, Rope 2 minutes.
This should be completed prior to the start of class.
Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
10 minute alternating Round EMOM (45:15)
Odds: Goblet Squat
Even: Kettlebell Swings
Each round work for 45 seconds and rest for 15 seconds then switch moves. Scored on reps, switch KBS with Hang DB Cleans if needed.