Thomasville CrossFit – CrossFit Advanced
Clean (3-3-3-2-2)
75% x 3×3, 80% x 2×2
Behind The Neck Jerk (3-3-3-2-2-2)
75%x3x3, 80%x3x2reps
Back Squat (2-2-2-2-2)
EMOM @ 70%
Snatch Grip Deadlift (5-5-5)
plank holds (60-60-60)
3 RDS of 60 sec plank hold. Use weight to help but be a little conservative. Working on wrist strength, try to have arms at full extension and pressing through your shoulders. Tilt your torso and shoulders in front of your wrist to improve wrist strength and flexibility.
Handstand Walk (max distance)
I want you to talks sideways down the handstand push-up wall. try and walk down and back as far and as many times as possible for 5 rounds
Push-ups (10-10-10)
Use a narrow hand position
Bench Press (10-10-10)
35% Remember that this is a recovery week and rest builds strength!
Dumbbell bench press (10-10-10)
Laying on a bench or flat on the ground. Press DBs through the bench press range of motion.
very lifht DBs with focus control and steady movement.